Rock On! 😊 My Actifit Report Card: March 24 2024

Rock on!😊
Did I just see this guy move Lol?😇
“ Happy Trails “ or should I say Happy Sunday!🤗
Palm Sunday to be exact!😊
After Church today, the Weather was just too beautiful to pass on a hike up into the mountains!
The Mrs wanted to hike a bit early, say 2:30 that sounded good to Silvertop!
Liz texted our friend Jan to see if she wanted to join us…………..
No response………🤔
The fifth photo was our first stop, just before our first steep climb uphill!😅
Jan texted Liz ………….
“ I just got home, I’m coming, I will catch up with you guys! “ 😊
Today’s hike was planned to follow the steep “High Trail” then stop, turn around, and hike back down the same trail.
The Mrs told Jan that we would run into each other somewhere on the trail, either going up or coming back down!😇
That sounded good to Jan!
We had just climbed the “Steep Hill”, and the “High Trail”, and we were on our way back downhill……………….
Liz looked at the bottom of the “Steep Hill” see Jan hustling up the hill quickly to catch up with us!😮
This was a good spot for a break for the three of us.
Jan was happy to be out hiking, she didn’t mind that we were already headed downhill.😇
It was a good hike for all of us!
Jan a bit shorter, but still a good two miles, with steep hills, a very good workout!😊
Not a cloud in the sky……………
“ Silvertop, they are calling for rain tomorrow! “ 😅
“ Hmmm……… we do live by the Ocean, the weather can turn on a dime Lol honey! “ 🥰
If it’s anything like today, you know where you will find Silvertop! 😎
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores

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