Good Morning Sunshine!😎........ Actifit Report Card: September 17 2022

Good Morning Sunshine!😎
Rain forecast canceled……………..
“How did you like that rain we had Silvertop Lol”🤔
As the saying goes……..”I’m sure we will pay for not having rain”😲
For now Silvertop is enjoying the beautiful Fall weather!😊
Much to do on this Sunny Saturday morning!
Liz and I are Again Leading Worship tomorrow, and we need to run through our set of music one last practice time.
The Mrs is our lead vocal. Some song “keys” are in her vocal power range. This set of music is like that…….Liz is vocally powerful !🥰
Cot, “the baby Mountain Lion”, has sensitive ears and when we practice music he leaves the room Lol!🤣
“Is Mom too loud Cot Lol?”🤣😻
You can see in the fourth photo that the cornfields are almost ready to harvest.
Soon you will hear the sound of farm machinery humming in the fields.
Time to beat that rain………..
Time to enjoy the weekend…………and the Mountains!!🤗
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores

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