Vegan Chocolate Pudding: February 21 2022

It was so good to be able to get out yesterday after three days of sheltering from high winds, rain and hail. A lot of trees have come down across the county, and some flooding. Some people have had to evacuate their homes, but it doesn't look like too many, fortunately.

We had high winds in the morning but by three o clock they had quietened down, the rain had stopped and there was brilliant sunshine. I took a reccy of my local demesne - very untidy, but limited damage as far as I could see.

Meanwhile, stuck at home, I had made these vegan chocolate puddings. Really light and refreshing, you could blend them if you don't like the texture, but they tasted great.

I bought some chia seeds recently, never having tried them before and they've been sitting in a cupboard until this week. I discovered that they are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and fibre - both essential to health and a happy microbiome.

Here's the recipe: very easy to make, the most difficult part is waiting for the pudding to 'set':

60g chia seeds
45g cocoa powder (three level tablespoons)
30ml maple syrup (two tablespoons)
400ml non-dairy, unsweetened milk
Half a teaspoon vanilla extract

Whisk everything together in a bowl, put in the fridge overnight, stir and spoon into individual bowls. Decorate with cacao nibs and berry fruits.

Honey can be used in place of maple syrup if you are not vegan. Flaked or grated 70% chocolate is another option for the cacao nibs. I found I needed to leave the pudding for longer than overnight to thicken. I also sieved the cocoa powder and mixed to a paste with some of the milk before adding all the other ingredients. Whisking helps to separate the chia seeds and make sure each one is coated in liquid, otherwise they can clump.

It lasts for a couple of days. I'm not mad on fridge-cold food and heated it in the microwave for 20 seconds to take the chill.

Much nicer than I expected, a lovely chocolate treat, easy to eat, and not as rich as mousse, and better for you than Angel Delight (we used to love that as children).
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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