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My Actifit Report Card: March 16 2024


Parachutes are mostly used to jump from top to bottom, but in the world of companies and management some parachutes are used to lift a person from the bottom and place him at the top, and thus he suddenly lands on everyone.

This scenario is repeated and we all live and watch it, and because we cannot agree on a specific person, we always complain about the choices of management in companies, and we are not happy with their choices of some people to be managers or executives at the top of the pyramid.

Mostly the problem is always at the top, where a person lands with a parachute, and because he does not know how he rose to the top, he cannot choose the team below him as wisely and easily as the person who rose to the top and rose naturally.

The problem is exacerbated when the board of directors is not wise or expert. I know several companies that specialize in certain fields, and all of them have a board of directors with only one person or a very small number of specialists in their fields. In any case, even these people landed on the board with a parachute.

The Board of Directors has a very big role; The Nominations and Compensation Committee emerges from it and is responsible for selecting the executive team.

The CEO is also very important; Because he has to be a leader, meaning that he comes with a clear vision of how to move the company from the current situation to new heights that no one has thought of before by motivating everyone around this vision, or he has to be an executive director whose job is to follow and implement the board’s decisions, and ensure that everyone in the company achieves the goal set by the Board.

Although the leader is important to the company, he is difficult to work with; Because the leader often has a vision and needs a team to implement it, these leaders are often stubborn and do everything to achieve their vision, but they believe in creative ideas, but in most cases they are its source, and many times no one can keep up with what they are thinking about.

The CEO is easier to deal with; Because he relies on delegating powers to others to carry out tasks, and therefore he chooses many under him and delegates them, and he rarely conflicts with them, especially if the council is satisfied with their work. But this type of person does not know challenges and creativity.

The world needs all types of leaders and managers, and their success lies in the right mix and the right choices for them.

The beginning is with the Board of Directors, then the CEO, then the executive team, then managers, all the way to junior employees.

Then, there is the culture of the place, and this is set by the CEO or the board, and without it, the place cannot grow and flourish. The challenge then lies in people's acceptance of the prevailing culture and the values that emerge from it.

Cultures may change as people change. How many companies had a creative environment and then someone comes along and destroys all of this, and here the leakage begins.

Sometimes leakage rates are good for the business, especially if the previous environment was destructive or based on bad cultures. Therefore, anyone who wants to change it for the better will be fought (and this happened and is happening in the institution in which I work).

It is most severe when destructive cultures are supported by society outside the company, such as when hard work is burdensome, or when corruption and bribery are acceptable.

All of these matters and conflicts are the foundation on which any system and company is built, and that is why when a person descends with a parachute above everything without a step, he cannot know what is going on below, and here managing the company becomes akin to gambling.


For our economic system, companies, and institutions to succeed, we must think a lot and carefully about how we choose leaders and qualify them for their roles, and how we choose managers to conduct business and achieve goals.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
