Strange Vibes - My Actifit Report Card: April 9 2021

Hi Actifitters!

It is Friday!! Or how would my dear friend @iamraincrystal said, FriYay! The weekend is closest than ever and I had a weird day today... Have no idea why, but I have some hints...

I got up early (for me early) around 7 AM, so I was already in the gym a bit after 8, which was my plan from the beginning... To do the gym as earlier as possible to have more time during the mornings... Got back home at 9:30, did my SL stuff, and then I went to the couch to rest a bit... and I fell asleep! That usually doesn't happen to me, but it looks that I needed it...

I react weirdly to weather change and I suppose that that was my main problem today... It was raining yesterday, and this morning also, then it stopped, and the air pressure changed... After a 40-minute nap, I got up, replied to all the comments on Hive, had lunch, and had ANOTHER nap! Now, it becomes even more strange... lol... This time it was about an hour, and after getting up, I went out for a walk where I have recorded my daily vlog and took a couple of photos...

Sometimes, when I come back from my walks I feel very tired, and it was like that today, but I had some other weird feeling... I had some slight headaches, which led to my problems with vision... I couldn't focus on letters, read, and I was all dizzy... It was time for a tablet and another rest... That helped, and here I am, almost on 100%, but still not ready for some "bigger challenges"... I will leave that for tomorrow... Just in case...

See you in the next report!

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gym, Walking

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