My Actifit Report Card: November 25 2023 : I Am Alive Challenge

Hello everyone
Yesterday was a lovely weekend because I had time to prepare a delicious breakfast for myself after days of junk and fast food.

As funny as it may sounds, it was a big achievement to me cause i have been craving for this home made Okro soup for a while now aside from the fact that I can order for it through fast food agents.

Well, let me tell how my day began
I woke up early and embark on morning routines which involves cleaning and arranging things somethings. I always feel bad whenever studio is scattered. All papers were properly fold and place in a proper place.

I was tired and hungry when I finished my morning routine. Aforesaid, I refreshed up and strolled to a nearby market. There was a lite rainfall when I left home but it stopped few minutes later.

On reaching the a market, my attention started focusing on beautiful potatoes that I saw but I ignored without not stopping by to check the price but I’m sure that a stand will cost up to 2.5HBD in today's marketcap.

I didn't have to search much when I saw this okro and fresh. Immediately, I started spending my budgets on it and a fresh pepper. This ones fresh and neat. I bought Okro and fresh paper from her and moved to other things.

I spent less than 30mins at the market. On reaching home, I carefully prepared my meal and had a nice time with it🥰🥰

My day was amazing.
Thanks for reading through my activity
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Daily Activity,Moving Around Office,Shopping,Walking

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