My Actifit Report Card: January 30 2024, Tuesday.

Hey Actifit Community!

What a day it's been! You know those mornings where you wake up to the sound of rain, and everything feels a bit slower? That was today. It's been pouring since the crack of dawn, setting the mood for a somewhat adventurous day. As I sit down to write this, the pitter-patter against my window is a sweet reminder of the day's journey.

The morning was all about juggling – me, Rex, my 11-year-old, and Rez, who's 9, trying to get out of the house without getting drenched. We managed to leave, but not without a few splashes here and there. The drive to their school is about 20 km from our home, and it was a wet journey all the way. From their school, I headed another 5 km to work, the rain accompanying me at every turn.

Back at home, my wife, still under the weather, was resting up with Eiona, our littlest one. Times like these remind me how each family member holds up a piece of our world.

Work today was brisk. I wrapped up by 1.40 pm, and by 2.20 pm, I was back home. The rain had eased a bit, but the clouds were still heavy. My next task was taking my wife to Dr. Tracy's Clinic, about 16 km from our place. These drives give us those rare moments of uninterrupted chat, something I've come to cherish.

At Dr. Tracy's, we got to know that my wife was battling a tonsil issue. Armed with meds and advice, we headed out, but not without a plan to make the rest of the day a bit brighter. And what better way to do that than a little celebration for Rex!

We decided to hit our local KFC to celebrate Rex's phenomenal achievement in school – all straight highest scores in his final exams! The pride in his eyes was worth every bit of the effort. There's something about sharing a meal that amplifies the joy of a family's achievements, don't you think?

Once back home, the evening unfolded in its usual, comforting rhythm. My wife, feeling a tad better, harvested a ripe papaya from our garden, while I took over the feeding duties for our dogs and cats. It's these simple, everyday moments that often bring the most contentment.

Reflecting on today, it's the small victories and simple pleasures that stand out. From battling rain and illness to celebrating academic triumphs and enjoying the fruits of our garden – it's all part of this beautiful tapestry we call life.

Stay active, stay happy, folks! Until next time.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Moving Around Office, Walking
173 cm
75.6 kg
Body Fat
91 cm
53.5 cm
91 cm

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