Weekend Wok: From the Garden to the Kitchen

Weekend's finally here! Time to ditch the fast food and prepare something special for our Saturday feast. I'm thinking fresh, flavorful, and homemade.

Got myself 3 quarters of chicken and the ingredient list is ready!

My Flavorful Ingredients:

Calamansi: Its bright citrus juice tenderizes the chicken, cutting through richness for a perfectly balanced flavor.
Ginger: A touch of warmth and sweetness complements the other flavors while adding a delightful fragrance.
Lemongrass: Brings a unique lemon-like taste with delicate floral notes. I'll bruise the stalks to release even more aroma.
Garlic: This classic adds savory depth that enhances all the other ingredients.
Onion: Offers a subtle sweetness and a boost of flavor complexity.
Spring onions (minced): Flavor boost
Soy Sauce: Deepens the dish with its delicious umami richness.
Salt: A sprinkle to taste will bring all the flavors together.

Luckily, most of the spices and herbs are right in my garden. Let's take a little garden tour together...

First stop, my ginger pots in the backyard. I harvested some mature rhizomes – gotta replant those for even more ginger later!

Then it was over to the side for a handful of juicy kalamansi.

Out front, I snipped some fragrant lemongrass leaves

and finally, a quick visit to my recycled bottle planters along the fence for a bunch of fresh spring onions.

I can't wait to taste how these flavors combine in my chicken marinade!

Wow! My actifit app clocked over 10,000 steps on my garden adventure! Who knew harvesting your own ingredients could be such a workout?

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