My Actifit Report Card: July 3 2023 & clean your city effort

Hi there lovely community,

Yesterday, I had a rather eventful day that started off with a late wake-up due to my inability to fall asleep the previous night. Despite feeling a bit groggy, I decided to go for a morning bike ride just before 6 a.m. to kickstart my day. I prepaired a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and a bottle of peppermint tea. Ready to go, I hopped on my bike and hit the pedals.

My first stop was at a local soccer field, where I noticed some remnants of a celebration from Sunday to Monday.

There were empty champagne bottles scattered around, as well as cigarette butts littering the area. Taking it upon myself to maintain cleanliness, I picked up the bottles and a broken lighter, and disposed of them properly, also ensuring that the cigarette butts were taken care of.

Continuing on my bike ride, I made my way to a nearby city park while contemplating the presentation I had to finish for the following day. To my surprise, the park was remarkably clean with no debris in sight. This prompted me to proceed further to the highest point in town, eager to enjoy the scenic view.

However, upon reaching the summit, I realized that it had rained heavily in that area overnight. Concerned about potential damage to the trail, I decided to only go down it once.

Before embarking on my downhill adventure, I took a moment to clean up the numerous cigarette butts that had accumulated in the area over the past two days.

With that task completed, I began my descent, capturing a picture along the way.

At a fork in the road, I opted for a different trail that led to an old Roman road.

The ground was still damp from the recent rain, so I chose to ride cautiously, mindful of any potential harm I could cause. Reaching the bottom of the trail, I continued cycling upstream along the Wupper river.

Feeling a need to refuel, I stopped at the concrete sunbeds and enjoyed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while also taking the opportunity to draft the text for the post about the day before yesterday.

With my energy replenished and great look text prepaired, I headed back home, realizing that I had started my bike ride yesterday quite late.

During my uphill journey, I encountered a small electric car that caught my eye with its sleek design, although it seemed a bit compact.

It looked almost like Fiat 500. Taking a brief break at the top of a hill, I admired the picturesque scenery and hoped that the weather would hold up until I reached home.

Once I arrived home, I set up my home office outdoors to take advantage of the clearing up weather.

I participated in a meeting while enjoying the peacefulness of my garden. In the evening, I paid a visit to my mom and took her dog for a walk. Along the way, I couldn't help but notice the amount of litter on the dirt road, including more cigarette butts and other debris.

Despite having cleaned it the day before, it was disheartening to see the accumulation once again.

Overall, my day was filled with moments of responsibility and appreciation for nature. From cleaning up litter during my morning bike ride to participating in meetings and spending time with loved ones, it was a day of varied experiences. It reminded me of the importance of taking care of our environment and cherishing the moments we have with those we care about.

Special thanks to:
(creator of my new awesome profil pic & signature)

Til the next 🚲.

with best wishes

Now back to the dinner!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Cycling,Walking

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