My Actifit Report Card: May 8 2024

Hey Actifitters,

Yesterday was much better with plenty of sunshine. So we tried to spend time with Le Chat in the yard. The grass is really tall right now, she can almost hide in there.

Of course, we also went on our long walk with Kaia, starting in the forest.

Kaia is still able to find unknown scents, and even when she can't, she tries!

But she wasn't in a deciding mood, she stopped at all intersections, waiting for me to decide where to go.

When we looped around the forest edge for Cubiverse vaults, we just caught the sun disappearing behind the trees.

And we went back in one more time, so Kaia could have more fun in the water.

And that was it. Like I said previously, this is kind of a transition week. Nothing too exciting, and not a whole lot of activity. But the final step count wasn't too bad in the end. Let's see if I can keep a @poprzeczka clean sheet till around the 20th as usual.
As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking

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