My Actifit Report Card: January 25 2024

Hey Actifitters,

Something happened yesterday morning that got me worried for a minute. Through a window, I saw Kaia crossing the entire yard full speed, and barking at the fence. I saw something just behind the fence, standing its ground in front of Kaia. I thought it might be a coyote, so I quickly went out. It scared it away, but I was able to snap a picture when it stopped a little further in the forest behind the fence. It looks more like a fox I guess. Kaia is probably safe either way, she's big enough, unless it's a group. Le Chat on the other hand needs to be careful, at least when her bodyguard Kaia is not around.

Kaia was all over the place after that, making sure we were all safe. When she acts all goofy, it's easy to forget she's also a very good guard dog.

Rest of the day was quiet, but because of that same gloomy weather, once again I managed to muster up enough motivation for a long walk only late in the evening.

All the snow is gone from the streets, that sucks!

There's still a thin layer in the forest, but like I was saying, it's a sloshy mess.

We found a new teepee again. It's an area we don't go every day, but I am sure it wasn't there last time. It's right next to the trail and I couldn't have missed it. The blurry dark spot is of course Kaia on her way to visit this new structure.

You might remember the amount of snow on these benches a few days ago, well it's all gone...

The parking lot is just like a big mud pit. So we didn't stay too long in the area, we just caught a couple Cubiverse vaults and left.

We went back inside the forest for a bit, better to walk in slosh than in mud.

We said hello to our tree friend and headed back home.

Walking at night with dense fog creates very cool atmosphere, not easy to capture in photos, but I like it.

And the day was already over. Another day passing the bar, the #poprzeczka clean sheet continues!
As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking

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