Learning about Bronchitis, Nebuliser and X-Ray

Mom's cough got worse...

It wasn't just dust anymore as we started noticing the phlegm is turning from translucent to opaque light green.

This actually means that there's actually real bacteria and flu-like symptoms started forming.

Kuala Lumpur's temperamental weather has caused a lot of people, regardless young or old, to start having lots of cough and cold.

Not to mentioned that hand, foot, mouth disease started spreading at schools too... but that's another story

Because of the duration my mom started coughing was already more than 3 weeks, our family doctor has concerns of her lungs.

Furthermore being a SJS (Steven Johnson Survivor) with a history of a lot of chronic illnesses before, she couldn't just give her a stronger dosage and send her home to rest.

A different approach needs to be done

The doctor decided to administer Nebuliser treatment for my mom, with the hope that my mom's phlegm discharge will be able to be easier so that she doesn't have to cough her lungs out just to spit the phlegm.

This was the first time she had this treatment, and half way through the process she started feeling dizzy!

The nurses also got worried and quickly got out the heart rate and oxygen reader.

Thankfully , all was well. Oxygen level was 99%, and heart rate was about 65 per min.

Therefore, after talking to the doctor, we found out that

  1. Nebuliser is to relax tightness of the airways and lungs in order to push the phlegm/ mucus out easily.

  2. Nebuliser can cause palpitations.

  3. Nebuliser contains certain type of steroids. Some might get some reaction to it.

  4. After Nebuliser treatment, patient must drink water almost immediately.

Truly, there's quite a lot to learn when journeying with seniors and understanding all the treatment. Knowing so will have family members / caregivers less worried / even panic.

That being said, when the x-ray result came out, we actually found out from the image that the upper left lung above my mom's aorta aneurism there were fade scaring (like a fade fine roots) . We were not able to compare data but I remembered before the 2nd covid hit my mom and I had, her lungs x-ray was okay.

So we do not know whether the scaring was from covid or from recent discovery of bronchitis.

Right now, what we can do is to trust Aba Father Almighty to heal mom entirely in Jesus Mighty Name.

Prayer moves mountains; even with the faith of the size of a mustard seed.

Until Then

Stay healthy, happy, and stay safe everyone!

All photos are taken with my Samsung A23
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

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