Hospitals, Infections, Loads of Walking

Talking about hitting the steps almost every day!

Which usually happens on both extremes, the positive side where you are so busy with so many new things; or the not so nice side, where you are ALSO so busy with learning even more new things.

And today, I learned something about... INFECTED RUPTURED BULLAE

That’s what happened to my mom on Sunday, and by the Grace of God and HIS open doors, we got her admitted on Monday.

Due to mom’s cornea dystrophy, having infection has become a norm but usually she will bounce back to normal with a simple anti-biotic eye drops; but this time round, it wasn’t as simple as we thought after administering the anti-biotics the whole Sunday night, with hardly sleep from my side.

You got to admit her immediately!

Was the last thing my mom and me wanted to hear. It is because to be admitted to the hospital might require 7 – 9 hours of Emergency Ward before they even thought of warding her.

But that’s the other miracle we had, we went there on Monday (since all ophthalmology clinics were closed on Sunday and I was swamp with work) the hospital’s specialist emergency clinic was opened, and by the time we got the news and got the letter from the out-patient private ophthalmology clinic, it was already 3pm. It was a very narrow window for us to quickly swing by to get food for my dad, pack some essentials (in case they confirmed warding) and brave through the traffic to the hospital that was around 20 miles away from us.

Of course, this came with a huge bill burnt to my wallet as well. I digress...

With the urgency letter from the private clinic ophthalmologist, who so happened to be a surgeon in the same hospital we were going , the doctors recognized her name and they scrambled to look double confirm her diagnostic.
True enough it was REALLY BAD. The word “rupture” kept repeated in the heated discussions between the doctors, and hearing this repeated word had my mom burst into tears.

By the way, for those who are curious what is a Corneal Ruptured Bullae means, here's the diagram explanation


Horrified, the doctors consoled my mom and asked her not to worry, that this infection can be treated, but there are 2 choices, either warded or treat at home

The word “WARDED” came in like bells of hope. Immediately I replied with the most grateful manner, “if it is not too much trouble, we would accept being warded for treatment”

The running around begins: with obtaining application letter from the specialist clinic, registration, check in, find some food for my mom (so that she won’t have gastric attack), getting the belongings from the car that is parked 1/4 mile away from the doorway was definitely a challenge for my tired feet. But all is worth it if there are doctors and nurses who will take care of my mom for me as I watch over my other elderly at home.

All in all a lot of people would have said, “Why is this never ending??” but all I can say, “Despite of all this never ending chaos, God is still in control and HE makes a way when there is no way”.

Doors after doors opened for my mom and not to mention a peaceful spot right beside the toilet where she could head over to clean herself easily.

Not to mention the beautiful sunset I saw when I rushed home to pack more essentials.

What else can we hope for?

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things... Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content… But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Philippians 4:8,11,19-20

It might sound a bit “churchy” cliché, but the entire chapter 4 in Philippians does ring in my mind as I am remembering all this has happened. So many people kept saying that life can be unfair, that can be very real and true; but when that happens, there is a way out paved in front over every road block, one cannot deny that days like these truly often reminds us that when there is a reference of (real tangible) Hope, every storm is just a passing and there will be a rainbow waiting at the end of it.

Right now, my mom is 90% blind on the left eye because of that, and we are now praying for open doors for a cornea donor.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Photowalking, Running, Stair Climbing, Walking

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