My Actifit Report Card: May 14 2022

I'm home after three days of driving. The yard was a total mess so I mowed the front and sides. I started in on the backyard but it was so tall that the battery ran down. I tried to use the smaller battery too but it overheated and would not take a charge until it cooled off. I should be able to finish the job tomorrow after the batteries are recharged. This is the first time that I ran into any trouble getting the yard done.

I left some stuff at the last motel. They will be shipping it out to me tomorrow cash on delivery. I'm usually better about not forgetting things in the motel but I have been going through a lot lately.

I played disc golf with my son for the first time in a few months. He did really well. We did not have enough time to do a full round but he was three under par for the partial round and I was eight over par. I was very tired out from all the car driving and yard mowing and did not throw very well. It was great to be out there playing with my son again though.

Photo taken of the koi pond in the Best Western Hotel in Ogden Utah:

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Golf, House Chores, Walking, Yard Work

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