My Actifit Report Card: January 22 2022

Today I did some more Doggie walking and disc golf putting practice. I feel pretty prepared for the tournament tomorrow. Hopefully I will play to the best of my abilities.

The weather was nice today with a bit of sunshine. I thought about playing a longer round of disc golf but decided it was best to keep from doing so much.

I've been relaxing a lot lately. I'm not sure exactly what feels best to focus my attention on next. There have been so many changes recently that I'm still trying to get used to them. In the meantime I'm happy practicing disc golf, watching Netflix and Youtube and just being present.

Tonight's sunset:

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher & litesplasher.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Golf, House Chores, Walking

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