My Actifit Report Card: April 6 2020

My son and I played disc golf in the local park. It was warm enough to play in tee shirts. The scores were pretty good and I won this time.

My son was a bit distracted during the round by the fact that they announced that the schools would be closed for the rest to the school year. This is hard because the graduation and end of school party is canceled as well as the rest of the concerts.

But it was nice to be out in the park. Many places seem to be completely shut down. I'm glad that we can at least get outside so long as we are keeping our distance from people outside of the family.

It was a nice sunny day so I took this picture of the purple flowers:

There should be another flower blooming soon, the buds are just forming. I'll take a picture of that one too when it opens.

I've been making tea from the nettles that grow in the backyard. Here's a picture of them:

I have to check out the underside of the leaves for bugs. They seem to be having a really good time here and I hesitate to put them in my cup and poor boiling water on them. I don't think these bugs are doing proper social distancing, lol.

Bugs on the nettles:

Nettles are really high in vitamin C among other things and are supposed to be a really nutritious plant. I'm trying to keep my immune system working well so I figure that they might be good right about now. This time of year they are really tasty. (The nettles that is, the bugs are kind of so, so, lol.)

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher & litesplasher.

Daily Activity, Golf, House Chores, Walking

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