The First Day Of March. My Actifit Report Card: March 1 2023

Weather Report

First day of March. We start a new day, a new week, a new month with a lots of hope and expectations. We set goals and work for it. I've no goal for months or year because I decide not to force myself for something I need or want. Right now I'm not ready for stressing myself for any kind of achievement. My recent asset loss made me broken and I need time to get back and set goals.

Yesterday I paid house rent, internet bill and other maintenance and this was something that made me satisfied and relaxed. These payments are prepaid. My salary is post paid and pending for last two moths. Owners showing different excuses and the amount is not even my pocket money, its a kind of part time volunteer job that promised to pay an honorary but I've not yet get paid.

My activity was a evening walk and it was not even for an hour. Had some snacks as always and came back home early. I had no time for entertainment because I got busy with my regular work. I fall asleep when work because I was tired and usually sleep late night. I wish you all are doing great and having good goals for March.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Stair Climbing, Walking

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