Postcards from Thailand #28: My Acti-How-Big-Must-His-Cock-Be Report Card: May 29 2023

On Koh Samui today...

So I'm walking up to 7/11 and I see a guy through the window, whose head was almost touching the ceiling, looking down on the shelves.

He looked Asian but absolutely not Thai and I thought;

"Why is that idiot stood on some steps?"

I walked through the door, looked down the aisle and bloody hell! He wasn't stood on anything, he was just massive.

I've seen some big fellas before. Many years ago, I sat on a table in a Cuban restaurant in Makati next to the basketball player, Dennis Rodman, and he was a big but this guy was definitely taller.

He was with a lady who was obviously his wife and I guess you're expecting me to say that she was petite and tiny, but no. She must have been 6foot plus in her heels and very attractive...

I had to get a picture but just sticking a camera in his face before running like fuck wouldn't have worked. He could have reached out, grabbed me, and flicked me through the window before I'd time to turn and flee so I did the 'polite' thing...hung around outside like a stalker, hiding behind my motorbike and grabbing a shot as he was about to double up and get into the back of a little Nissan.

He conjured up many questions:-

Where does he buy clothes?

Does he have beds specially made?

But the first thing I wandered was, err if his whole body was in proportion. It looked it was. The bits I could see at least but come on, be honest. How many people would love to know how big his dick is?......Ohhhh, just me then?

Answers to this question in comments please but there's no prizes cos if I did bump into him again, there's absolutely no way I'd be asking him!


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