My Actifit Report Card: January 21 2022

Tired. Finished Man, Economy, and State (pretty sure that was today, but it’s all starting to blur), had some downtime, got back to work. I’ve been putting in great numbers as far as writing goes, though I still have to get better about juggling stuff.

Exercise was pretty light, but I feel better for doing it. Not much indoor activity. I went for a longer early afternoon walk than usual. Two of the ducks at the pond were fighting yesterday and one has a spot on its neck where the feathers have been pulled away, revealing either skin or down or something.

It’s embarrassing that I haven’t updated @kwilleywrites or the associated blog. Just haven’t had time or energy to even go into my repository and cross-post Aspects of Sand from the source text. Kenoma is consuming everything, which is fine because I really like it, but holy crap is it a massive project.

But I don’t think that’s the best road to me going sustainably self-employed as quickly as possible.

Wrote 3600 words for the Quickstart, which is basically finished except for tossing it all together and publishing it. Need to do the fancy character sheets for each character instead of just my blocked out text too, so that’s going to be a little bit of work, though I’ve got the characters themselves basically finished except for a couple details that I need to hammer out (and checking to make sure I haven’t stupidly overlapped them or left glaring holes in stuff).

Also updated my website so that I have stuff on there, which is a big deal when you consider the fact that I had it sitting on an old site that hadn’t gotten an update in half a decade (I might be overestimating how long it’s been, but I don’t think so).

If all goes as planned, I should be releasing the Kenoma Quickstart around noon tomorrow (which includes all the work involved to get it out on and make an announcement about it). It’s at 32,640 words right now, and some of that will be content that gets cut down when I transfer it in (like parts of the characters that will just be on the character sheets), though not very much of it.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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