My Actifit Report Card: April 9 2024 - Paradise by Breeze

I recently discovered Breeze on Bandcamp. The band is on the Hand Drawn Dracula record label from Toronto Canada.

Breeze is a jangle pop band which to me sounds similar to shoegaze or dream pop. I like that kind or music now and then so I listened to the first album from Breeze and enjoyed it!

This track is called Paradise (in a while). It starts with mid tempo drums. Then the jangly guitars come in. It is basically 2 chords. Finally the subdued vocals enter mostly unnoticed. You cant really tell what he is singing. But that is typical for this genre.

The chorus is the singer singing something in a higher octave on top of 2 chords at longer notes.

The video is outdoor scenery and some band members playing guitar.

Enjoy Paradise!


My activity

for today included some errands in the afternoon that required some walking and running. At night I went out for that quotidian daily nightly walk. It had rained today so I was gladd I could get out at night when it stopped. The temp was upper 50s so not bad but hoodie was required, especially in view of the threat of rain coming back into the picture. But it didn't; I stayed dry.

That's my day; hope yours was good. Have a great tomorrow!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking

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