Goal not reached (this time). My Actifit Report Card: April 4 2024

This report is not an actual report
I did not make it to the 5000 steps today, but I wanted to make it clear that a user can post a report even without reaching the 5K treshold

The user may not receive $AFIT, but they will receive other tokens. For sure Hive and hbd, and potentially other Layer 2 tokens as per the hashtags used

This report will also be seen in Actifit community, and could be supported by other actifitters

Today I only walked a bit in the morning with my brother. Unfortunately he does not enjoy walking, so we ended up just 100 meters from my house

He let me use his iPhone for a bit and took some photographs. He has a new phone 📱🤩 with a great camera

I did not go to the beach today because time was not enough

But I can proudly say that I went (and swam) for 3 times already!

I found this wood 🪵 that looked like a pencil and I wrote the first word I could think of

Thanks for visiting, wishing you well 🥰

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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