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My Actifit Report Card: September 14 2024


This post is both in English and Spanish

Saludos a todos en actifit, aquí estoy yo con un nuevo reporte !

Hello everyone at actifit, here I am with a new report !

Me deperté tarde ya que al ser fin de semana queria descansar bien mi sistema nervioso central y mis musculos. Me desperte haciendo unos pocos estiramientos y tomando el sol, aproveché para ir a la plaza para caminar un poco y despertarme completamente gracias al sol, comí y me fui a comprar agua y café ya que se habian acabado. Llegué a mi casa y entrené handstand un rato hasta que Samuel, uno de mis mejores amigos, e escribió a ver que hariamos, queriamos ir a jugar basket pero en la cancha no habian luces para cuando se fuera el sol asi que el plan era ir a jugar NBA 2k22 en casa de otro amigo, yo aproveché antes que viniera a mi casa para irme a cortar el pelo ya que la verdad lo tenia muy largo y asi aproveché para hacer unos 3km en bici, Samuel llegó pero al final fuimos la cancha y con dos amigos no metimos con los breques de las luces y logramos encender las luces de la cancha para poder jugar un rato.

I woke up late since it was the weekend and I wanted to rest my central nervous system and my muscles. I woke up doing a few stretches and sunbathing, I took the opportunity to go to the square to walk a little and wake up completely thanks to the sun, I ate and went to buy water and coffee since they were out. I arrived home and trained handstand for a while until Samuel, one of my best friends, and wrote to see what we were going to do, we wanted to go play basketball but there were no lights on the court for when the sun went out so the plan was to go play NBA 2k22 at another friend's house, I took the opportunity before he came to my house to go to cut my hair because it was really long and so I took the opportunity to make a 3km bike ride, Samuel arrived but in the end we went to the court and with two friends we didn't mess with the lights and we managed to turn on the lights of the court to play for a while.






Luego de jugar, nos vinimos a mi casa a descansar y tomar agua y fuimos a casa de mi otro amigo a jugar nba 2k22, hicimos carrera en la principal Andres Bello y llegamos bastante rapido a casa del pana. Jugamos NBA al rededor de 1 hora y acompañe a Samuel hasta la H para que de ahi fuera a su casa, volvi a mi casa a bañarme, estirar y comer, y descansar yo tambien, fue un día bastante divertido.

After playing, we came to my house to rest and drink water and went to my other friend's house to play NBA 2k22, we did a race in the main Andres Bello and we arrived pretty fast to his house. We played NBA for about 1 hour and I accompanied Samuel to the H so he could go home from there, I went back to my house to take a shower, stretch and eat, and rest too, it was a pretty fun day.







Muchas gracias por leer, Hasta la proxima !!

Thank you very much for reading, see you next time!


Producción y Edición
Edition and Production


-Datos de edición-

Dispositivo: Xiaomi Note 10 5g
Banner: Photoshop
Traductor: DeepL
Logos: @hiveio, @actifit
Separadores PNG: @josef-999

-Edition data-

Device: Xiaomi Note 10 5g
Banner: Photoshop
Translator: DeepL
Logos: @hiveio , @actifit
PNG separators : @josef-999

hive  (12).gif

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Aerobics, Basketball, Chasing Pokemons, Cycling, Daily Activity, Home Improvement, Photowalking, Running, Walking
175 cm
70 kg
Body Fat
20 %