Actifit Report 231021: Happy Birthday

Yesterday was cool. We had a birthday party for our son.

I started the morning a little late. It was Saturday, so I took advantage of my wife being home and slept in a little bit.

When her mom (aka Grammy) came over, it was time to get up and moving...

I got up and made a veggie pizza for the party, did the dishes, and loaded my car with stuff for the party.

I had to work before the party so I headed out after my chores were done.

I did get a good amount of steps in while at work but had to take off early, pick up the pizza, and get over to the party site to set up.

It Was Rainy and Miserable Most of the Morning

That made for a rainy, cold, and windy start to the party.

We had a propane fire pit and some barbecue pits for charcoal. We didn't cook anything on the barbeque; just had them set up as hand warmers...

The Rain Let Up After About an Hour

This picture was taken just after the rain let up but you can see that it was starting to clear up.

Since it was chilly and a little colder by the Lake, we tried to get through the birthday activities (cake & presents) rather quickly.

We cleaned up the party and sent most of the guests on their merry way. Back home we unloaded the cars and hung out with the wife's side of the family until bedtime.

Overall a successful party and a good time had by all.

Until Tomorrow!

The pavilion we rented had great views of Lake Erie.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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