My Actifit Report Card: January 5 2024 : I Am Alive Challenge

Hello Lovelies 😊🤗

A cool welcome to my actifit report for Friday 5th January, 2024.

This day looked like a Monday to me and I wrote twenty twenty three before remembering to change the 3 to 4😅

After the stressful Thursday, I still woke up early on this day.

I had something to attend to.

Which involved, walking down this path.

I noticed the newly constructed street lights.

They really did well with this.

At least to restore the peace we enjoyed here.

Last few months, when I wasn't here.

This place recorded unpleasant kidnapping and killing rate.

Glad, things are going back to normal 😊

It was a busy Friday, that wanted to take Monday space 😅

Glad for a successful day.

Thank you very much dearies for checking out my blog 😘💕

Wishing you a fabulous day 🤗💞

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking, Walking

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