My Actifit Report Card: August 8 2023 : I Am Alive Challenge

Hello lovelies.

It's a beautiful chooseday ☺️
Yes I choose to be happy and live.

Welcome to my actifit report for Tuesday 8th August,2023.
Seems August is going slow and normal, not compared to fast July 😂😂

A good start of the day, but I never got that positive hyper active vibes 🤦🏼‍♀️

What to do?
I started playing songs from my phone to make me feel better.
Hahaha I danced for a while and I felt better.

To make it more cool, a friend of mine texted me that she was coming over 😊

She came we talked and talked, I don't know why I can't still get these gals to join me on hive.

The last person I succeeded in creating account for never logged in, even after much encouragement to write at least an introduction then engage.

Am I not good in convincing people......
Well it can't be helped because most of our talk lead to hive, and I was so glad to talk about it.

She always finds a means to link it to another thing showing no interest again.
Her major concern was trading difficulties and focusing on her department workload.

I enjoyed her company though.

Time to see her off.
I used that opportunity to capture some random photos and get some activity count.

I know the counts won't be much because it was just a short distance.

But why is the street empty?
This place is always crowded, what happened today or it's not yet time.

Well, I came back completed some online task.

That's it for my Tuesday.

Let's go again today.

I wish you an amazing day 😘💕

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking

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