Endured and Powered Through - My Actifit Report Card: March 26 2024

Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 2G - 60 Minutes

E = Endurance
S = Strength
P = Power


As I continue to heal up, I went in today not feeling great because of the cold I'm now dealing with but optimistic that my leg injury is progressing towards the better, but because it was endurance distance challenges during the two tread blocks today I didn't push myself to go past 6 1/2 miles per hour. With that said, I got through the whole tread block runs without any pain albeit stamina was a bit lacking with phlegm build up.

There was one row block and Load and Xplode power blocks on the floor.

On the floor the first block was a preheat setup preparing us to do those same exercises in block 2 which was more intense as you will read in the workout breakdown. We had shoulder press to stand, bench tap jump squats, lateral lunges to bicep curls, high pulls with power, double crunches and sit ups with knee tucks. Block 2 had us doing the same but it is was all timed with minimal recovery. Last block was similar to the row block but with timed exercises with a low side plank as our recovery exercise.

On the treads we began with a seven minute run OR power walk for time. I'm happy to say that the power walking is now not necessary for me to do, but there is always a segment of power walkers during our sessions. I can tell you if haven't done it power walking is not as easy as one may think. I just find it boring but necessary when I'm dealing with injuries of course. I love running so just being able to run again is so satisfying although I nowhere near my running speeds. I figure next week and right before the next running event I should be able to get through that 5K and finish it out at perhaps not my personal record times between 26 and 28 minutes but if I can get it under 32 minutes I won't be disappointed considering the situation.

During the tread blocks the goal was to accumulate as much distance as possible. We got about 90 seconds to recover in between blocks before we had to do it again but it eventually turned into three two minute pushes with minimal walking recoveries in between.

Last block and to end the session was a row block, which was three row efforts checking on how far we would get. A 30 second, 75 second and a to finish a 3 minute row.

I burned over 500 calories, got my runs in and went with 20 and 25 pound dumbbells to maintain less impact during today's power blocks on the floor and that probably was the more disappointed I felt not being able to go heavier but I knew that it would have been a risk of reinjury. I did have to modify a couple of the exercises but nothing where I didn't get a great workout in.


Today's Workout Recap

Floor Block 1 - 7 minutes

• ⁠Back to back - load & xplode:
⁠• ⁠8 x shoulder press to stand
⁠• ⁠4 - 8 x tap jump squats, rest (I skipped the jump)

• ⁠Back to back - load & xplode:
⁠• ⁠8 total x alternating lateral lunge to bicep curl
⁠• ⁠4 - 8 x high pull with power (I went lighter on the dumbbells to ensure the impact on my hamstring was minimal)

• ⁠Back to back - load & xplode:
⁠• ⁠8 x double crunches
⁠• ⁠4 - 8 x sit up with knee tucks, rest

Floor Block 2 - 7 minutes

• ⁠30 seconds of shoulder press to stand
• ⁠30 seconds to do 6 x tap squat jumps, recover until next exercise begins (I skipped the jump)
• ⁠30 seconds of shoulder press to stand
• ⁠30 seconds to do 6 x tap squat jump, high plank until time was called
• ⁠30 second recovery

• ⁠30 seconds of alternating lateral lunge to bicep curls
• ⁠30 seconds to do 6 x high pull with power, recover until next exercise begins
• ⁠30 seconds of alternating lateral lunge to bicep curls
• ⁠30 seconds to do 6 x high pull with power, high plank until time was called
• ⁠30 second recovery

• ⁠30 seconds of double crunches
• ⁠30 seconds to do 6 x sit up with knee tucks, recover until next exercise begins
• ⁠30 seconds of double crunches
• ⁠30 seconds to do 6 x sit up with knee tucks, high plank until time was called

Floor Block 3 - 5.75 minutes

• ⁠30 seconds to complete:
⁠• ⁠8 x skier swings (I did these without the dumbbells to keep pressure of the hamstring)
⁠• ⁠8 total x high plank to alternating oblique knee tucks
⁠• ⁠bonus: alternating low side plank until time was called
• ⁠30 second rest

• ⁠75 seconds to complete:
⁠• ⁠2 rounds of:
⁠• ⁠8 x skier swing
⁠• ⁠8 total x high plank to alternating oblique knee tuck
⁠• ⁠bonus: alternating low side plank until time was called
• ⁠30 second rest

• ⁠3 minutes to complete:
⁠• ⁠3 rounds of:
⁠• ⁠8 x skier swings (I did these without the dumbbells to keep pressure of the hamstring)
⁠• ⁠8 total x high plank to alternating oblique knee tucks
⁠• ⁠bonus: alternating low side plank until time was called

Tread Block 1

• ⁠Reset monitor
• ⁠7 minute run for time
• ⁠Check distance

Tread Block 2

• ⁠Reset monitor
• ⁠2 minute push
• ⁠30 second walking recovery
• ⁠2 minute push
• ⁠30 second walking recovery
• ⁠2 minute push
• ⁠Check distance, match or beat distance from block 1

Row Block

• ⁠30 second row for time, check distance
• ⁠30 second recovery
• ⁠75 second row for time, match or beat double your previous distance
• ⁠30 second recovery
• ⁠2 minute row for time
• ⁠1 minute ALL OUT row
• ⁠Match or beat double your previous distance





What is the Orangetheory Everest Workout?



What is EPOC?
===> Excess Post-Excercise Oxygen Consumption

Each one of an Orangetheory Fitness workout is designed for us to spend 12 minutes in our own personal Orange Zone. This is when the magic happens. That high intensity work helps to increase our metabolism for up to 24 hours.


We are known as Jiffy or Team Jiffy (Jimmy and Tiffany) in the Orangetheory community.


About Orangetheory Fitness (OTF)




What is a BOSU?


What is a Medicine or Med Ball?

https://www.verywellfit.com/med-bALL OUTl-training-1229699

What are Resistance Bands?


What is a TRX?



I’ve crushed 3000 PLUS Orangetheory Fitness sessions:

I’m up to 3480
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Aerobics,Gym,Weight Lifting,Treadmill,Running
5.7 lb
165 lb
Body Fat
34 in

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2 columns
1 column