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My Actifit Report Card: October 18 2021

I really don't like Monday as much because it means I got to get back to work. Either way it wasn't as bad today as I was able to check into HIVE a few times during the day. I didn't bother checking the leomarkettalk until the afternoon but lately it's been a bit slow there. I took a few walks throughout the day and finished up at night with a short 10 minute walk.

My feed was filled with quite a few voucher related posts. Everyone is wondering whether or not the prices are worth it. Just like yesterday there were a few who believe prices should be as high while others are selling while waiting for prices to drop. One thing to note is that you can get quite a bit of vouchers from INDEX token. It might be a better option of people who don't have much SPS but still and some vouchers. INDEX is one of the top DEC holders and we voted as a community to stake the SPS. This decision allowed it to get quite a few vouchers to distribute.

It was a bit of a rough night for me in splinterlands. Last season was easier to move up the rankings but I lost quite a few fights and had to claw my way back up to silver I. After that I decided to go grab a fight for the weekly challenge post and wrote up my post. I think I drained enough of my capture rate so I should be nearly full by the time I do my quest tomorrow. I put a sell order for my vouchers again today but they haven't filled yet though.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking