My Actifit Report Card: December 15, 2022

Yesterday I logged a little over 10,100 steps on Actifit! In the early afternoon I took a walk down to the local hardware store to buy an extension cord for my outdoor Christmas lights. I had them working for 3 days earlier this month, but the lights went out, and I believed it was due to a faulty electrical cord. Unfortunately, when I got home and installed the new cord, I discovered it wasn’t the cord after all, but the lights themselves. I will need to get a new strand to replace some of the lights I have up, the only problem is the weather has been snowy which will make it tough to get up onto the roof.

So for now, the exterior of the house is dark… but inside we are decorated for Christmas! Above is a look at my tree… it’s a pre-lit fake one… but it fits the room nicely and looks good. Though nothing beats the smell of a real Christmas tree! Christmas is right around the corner and I still need to do my shopping…

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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