My Actifit Report Card: Tuesday 16 Nov 2021

Tuesday has been fun! Less productive but still okay for us here in our little kingdom. The day happened as we worked on the things we had on our lists.

While we checked off some, more are waiting to be accomplished. It's just good they can still wait. Tomorrow isn't promised but we are hopeful, always!

And the market has gone red without me noticing it until I logged on to subscribed to the FCPorto token on the Binance Launchpad, lol!

The above dog was our visitor yesterday morning. He arrived at the yard and after eating a few slices of meat, he felt comfortable and slept just like that😁

Ain't he cute? LOL!

Anyway, here's to share a beautiful sunset of the past week. One of nature's magic that I was happy to have witnessed before it disappeared.

Thank you for today and until next time!

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Moving Around Office, Walking

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