Oops! Turned Around & Walked Back Home

Whew! Another week has gone and so as the month of March. April arrived with not much noise, well except that in real life, things had been rather shocking due to lives lost in a day and such but not gonna dwell on that.

Anyhow, today being HivePUD, I did a small power up of 10.206 HIVE so now have 990 HP. Didn't want to miss it as part of the goal to keep growing here on the blockchain. I'm just glad to see the Hive Power increasing slowly. It feels good.

The husband left to his father just before mid-day and I, having no real plans except Hiving, did a little bit of walk which enabled me to stretch some sore leg muscles. I must admit that during the past days, I've just been spending most of my time inside my little corner and taking naps in the afternoon. The lack of physical exercise and activities is making me lazier by the day. So the sun being out of sight, I took advantage of it and strolled towards the neighboring mini-farm after finishing off my Swiss Choco mix.


I was out in to time, had a bit of a dilemma whether I'd take the steep route towards the woods (first photo below) or take the right path. I chose the latter and climbed up that wee bump (third photo). Rain didn't come for 2 or is it 3 consecutive days so the tracks are dry and I love it! Been to this route probably a thousand and one times since we moved here.

After that little climb, this mini farm met the eyes. It's thriving with Mexican potatoes! Heard this variety takes up to 4 months before getting harvested. Quite long, huh! Local varieties need only 80-90 days.

Followed the wee trail alongside the field and enjoyed the dry track.

I had quite a bit of fun hopping onto those carefully arranged rocks along the path. Was also good that although the potatoes were newly sprayed (probably early this morning), I didn't smell any foul odor.

Also seen there were a few pitcher plants. Some have wilted and others (like the one below) still looking fresh!

As I got closer to the water reserve which I wrote about sometime ago, I heard murmurs and caught a glimpse of some people along the track where I'm supposed to go. They were installing some water pipes. And you know what I did? I discreetly turned around and walked back home, LOL!

It's funny but yes, I did that. I was just not in the mood to come across two-legged creatures, more so when I do not know them, haha! Well, at least, I got me some exercise.😅

Photos are my own. 1st April 2023

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Photowalking, Walking

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