Walk through sweet moisture and a flower scent

Today was my work-off. I walked in the day and in the night.
In the daytime, I walked to the cafeteria near my house to have a lunch.
The brunch is reasonable price and the quality is enough to enjoy. So I go to there sometimes.

It rained half of the day.
The amount of rain, precipitation, was exactly nice which was not so much and not so small. It gave fresh air that sweep out all dirty particles in the air and sweet moisture that I can enjoy.

During the early night, I walked again.
The air got become colder than daytime one.
Always I like the night lights that are from all each houses and combined together.
I smelled a scent of flowers at a certain place near my house. Maybe there were flowers behind the trees.
I heard that flower scent is getting stronger and sweeter at night.
Mixed with night light and fresh moist air, the scent got me into a fairytale. It’s like A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Walking,Jogging,Daily Activity

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