My Actifit Report Card: April 3 2024 💤 Sleepy, sleepy days… / 眠い毎日



I have been chronically sleep-deprived for some time now. I have always had a tendency to stay up late, but since I started working part-time for only two hours during the evening hours last fall, my lack of sleep has become even worse!

I have always been a night owl, so I thought that putting in a little late-night work (and in my neighborhood) wouldn't make much difference. If I take a bath and go to bed as soon as I get home, I can go to bed before midnight. In fact, if I made an effort to do so, I could go to bed earlier than before! …I thought. But in reality, it didn't work out that way.

I have a lot to do when I get home. I have to blog, I have to play Splinterlands, I have some research to do on Hive. My eyes usually start to glaze over while I'm researching, and it's usually 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning when I finally get under the covers. Naturally, I'm sleepy the next morning... and sleepy in the afternoon, too.

My part-time work has increased from twice a week at first to three times a week since the beginning of the year, and four times a week during the first half of April due to a shortage of staff. I know that this cycle is definitely not good for my body (or my brain), so I have to do something about it.

There is no option at the moment to quit this short-time part time job or to reduce the hours even more than I am doing now (I have written some complaints, but overall I still like it). So I still have to take a bath and go to bed before midnight as soon as I get home from work. I'll promise myself it!

However, this would mean that I would not be able to touch my computer at all when I get home, so I would have to move my various other HIVE activities (especially blogging) to other times of the day. This is something I have thought about before but could not do.

The best thing to do is still to post on Hive in the morning. I have always blogged late at night because of the assumption that I can concentrate better at night than during the day, so I want to try to post as early in the day as possible.

And I want to get out of this sleep-deprived life by going to bed as early as possible at night, whether I have work or not. My step count is from yesterday, and I managed to reach 5,000 steps.






帰っても色々、やることがあるんですよ。。。ブログとか、Splinterlandsとか。Hiveについて調べたいこともあるし。調べているうちに大抵目が冴えてきて、最終的に布団に入れるのは2時、3時になってしまいます。当然、翌朝は眠い… 昼も眠い。






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