October 25 2020

Nice view in Bull Creek

Hi folks,

Today I went to a friend's place and helped her remove invasive weeds from part of her land, with a small group of others.

Bluebell Creeper; Billardiera heterophylla

Bluebell Creeper, Billardiera heterophylla on a pair of gloves

I love spending time out here, the surroundings are beautiful and peaceful.

Largely unspoilt bushland.

Fresh air and the beauty of nature...

Couldn't ask for much more.

We were removing two species of invasive weeds:

  1. 'Bluebell Creeper' (Billardiera heterophylla) which you can see in the above photos.

  2. 'Boneseed' (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) which I forgot to get any pictures of.


I'm grateful to have expanded my plant identification skills and made a positive difference in the natural world.

In clearing the weeds, we uncovered self-sown Eucalypt and Acacia seedlings that now have a better chance of establishing themselves and maturing.

Unidentified Beetle with black and yellow markings

I also found this beetle at one point.

Bright and interesting markings.


May I suggest a new category of activity for the Actifit app?

'Conservation Work' or maybe 'Landcare'?

Or something. Ah who cares.

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