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Sunday Golf; Flowers on the Course: August 22 2021

Sundays are our family’s golf days. We play mostly on Sunday because of the week being busy with work and Saturdays being a day we catch up on house related things. Again, we play this game, a game that have tied us up into its intricacies and magic. A game that makes you swear and throw clubs but that makes you yearn for more and more.

I am so lucky and fortunate to be able to play this game. I have stated as much countless times. Not everyone has the means (money, physical ability, opportunities etc.) to play this game. The disparity between poor and rich in my country is one of the worst in the world. Golf is not a cheap sport. I can only say thank you to whoever and whatever and try and help where I can. The philosopher Martin Heidegger states that we are thrown into the world without much choice. I did not ask to be born in this era and in the place. But here I am, and I can make the most of this situation.

Here I share some photographs of the day’s golf and scenery. Stay active, healthy and be safe!


The Cape Robin-Chat

Fynbos Flowers

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