Liquid Sunshine 🌞………My Actifit Report Card: June 1 2024

As you can see from the first picture, it’s been a rainy day here in the PNW!

We slept in; the weather was perfect for it, and once up and lucid, ran through some music. The last two songs we did were from a couple of the ‘God’s Not Dead’ movies. It was awesome!😇🙏

Afterwards we both had a few things to do around the house and then set out for Boulevard Park. The hope was that it wasn’t raining there as oftentimes it’s not when it’s raining at the house. 😏

Upon arrival, we found that it was not raining so we set out to see what we could find. The tide was much higher than what we’ve been seeing when we go. We headed for underneath the raised boardwalk. Here’s some of what I found.

Barnacles are interesting to me. Such details.

I also found some mussels close by.

We headed towards Fairhaven. There was a public notice posted on the trail. Apparently, they are looking to develop the strip of land on the bay side of the trail, for some condos. Ironically, there really isn’t a view of the bay because from that particular area, it’s blocked by warehouses. It could however, destroy the access to the trail as well as the ability to get to Fairhaven without hiking the main road which isn’t safe for foot traffic and/or bicycles. Not good! There’s a movement to try to block the development, but I feel like it won’t work. Unfortunately, you can’t fight city hall. 🙄

Here’s more eye candy for you!

You can see the rain out on the bay that would eventually reach us just as we reached the car!

Nature’s barbed wire! 😳

This guy was having too much fun! 😎

This was a unique impression of last fall.

That’s gonna be it for today. Take care and enjoy the day wherever you are! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores,Shopping

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH

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