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Monday On A Tuesday?…….My Actifit Report Card: March 19 2024

If you’ve read my posts before, you may know that generally (that’s a loose term lately) I work Wednesday through Friday. Therefore, my Monday is usually a Wednesday. However today, I had to fill in for Yana, who’s been filling in for Vera. Hence my Monday on a Tuesday.

I did get a lot done, but extra time I find is never really enough. That leaves me frustrated with no answer in sight. The doc hired a gal to assist me on Thursdays, but then he decided to work half a day every Thursday. So, in a nutshell, he took away time I used for administration. Having her there is a huge help but she isn’t an optician and doesn’t know billing and various other things. Whereas I can train her, but with what extra time? To complicate matters Vera was in an accident and hasn’t been at work. Yana was taking her Mondays and Tuesdays, but she too will have some things coming up in the near future. So short of me working on a day when the clinic isn’t open (Saturday or Sunday) there isn’t an answer for me. Honestly, I don’t want to work the weekend either. If anyone has an idea or sees some kind of simple solution, please tell me.

Tomorrow is a fully booked day so it will be busy as well.

On to more pleasant things…..the weather here has been stellar with lots of sun and almost like summertime temperatures! It’s been lovely for sure however, it is still March! Today is the first official day of spring, but for tomorrow for us, it might be a bit like winter again. Albeit a warm winter, but for at least the next 7 days, it’s supposed to rain. At least the warmer weather will be around the corner regardless. 😎

Here’s some eye candy for you!

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and have a wonderful evening. 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


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Daily Activity,Moving Around Office,House Chores