Springing Into Caturday!……My Actifit Report Card: March 9 2024

Yes, unfortunately it’s that time of year again! Tonight at 2:00 AM, we will ‘spring forward’ into daylight saving time. I’m not sure why we still do this as it’s been researched that more heart attacks and strokes occur within the first two weeks afterwards. I can only figure it’s got to be a monetary thing that benefits someone high up. Maybe with longer evening daylight hours, we might be more inclined to go shopping, dining, or out to a movie? I just wish we’d stay on one time or the other. 🙄🌙

It is Caturday, so here’s another cutie pic of Cot!

Doesn’t he look all snuggly?😻

@silvertop needed some lumber, so we hitched up in the truck and headed to town. We stopped at Walmart as there were a couple things I needed. The store was super crowded and in chaos as they’re working on another remodel. The city of Bellingham won’t let them expand where they are and the remodel is a joke. I saw within the same side counter, old and new fixtures intermixed. Grey speckled with almond colored ones. How is that an aesthetic improvement I wonder? It just makes things look run down in my opinion.

We went to the Home Depot and got the lumber and portland cement needed. Then it was off to my favorite Starbucks in Lynden where we ran into Jan and her husband.

It’s been super windy; we’re under another wind warning until tomorrow morning. See @silvertop’s post for the saga of the telephone pole. We’re wondering if the wind will eventually do it in.

I’ve saved the best for last! On the way in to town, sitting in a tree not more than 20 feet from the roadside above a creek below was this…….

This was an amazing opportunity and so close! I actually opened the truck door to take the shot and the eagle never even moved! Such a majestic bird and amazing bird!🦅

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care, and if you’re ’springing ahead’ tonight, try to get some sleep. 💤

Have a blessed Sunday! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Dancing,House Chores,Shopping

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


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