Fall Reflections.........My Actifit Report Card: October 28 2023

Fall reflections…….

I didn’t get to sleep in much today as @silvertop had some things to do before we could head to Costco. We try to do this shopping trip once a month and we were getting low on some necessities, so today was the day.

We stopped at Walmart first for a few things. The first odd thing I noticed was all of the parking lot lights were on. All of them! Hard to figure given it was a brilliantly sunny day out! 🧐 Then I saw Alfred atop one of the fixtures! Now I know you are wondering just who Alfred is! Some years ago on our first visit to this area, I named these Alfred (why that name, I have no answer for) and it stuck. 🙃

He looks very happy above all of the humanity below-and boy was there a LOT of humanity in Bellingham today! 😏 Next-onward to Costco!

Of course, it’s hard to imagine there being any more Christmas in there than the last time, but buddy, they managed to fit more in! 😳🎄 I saw these the other day at Hobby Lobby. They had a better selection for sure but this is still pretty. The pic doesn’t do it justice but it’s liquid filled with a pump of some kind that moves the water around thereby moving all the glitter around. Kind of like a snow globe you shake, but on autopilot!

Then, there was this cute gingerbread house I really actually liked. A bit pricey for me though.

Then afterwards, we had a much needed coffee date at Starbucks! Costco’s parking lot had very few empty spaces and I’ve NEVER seen so many shoppers in there before-ever!

Once home, we offloaded and I put away the perishables. Then we headed out for a brief road hike. My neighbor up the road had called earlier this morning to let me know there’d been a Cougar kill on their property last night. It dragged one of their goats through the fence and over to the next neighbor’s property. They’re suspecting it’s a rather large Cougar. We aren’t too worried at this point about hiking as they mostly sleep during the day and it had its kill to keep watch over. Sad about the goat. 😔

Here’s more eye candy for you!

That’s it for today! Take care and have a blessed Sunday! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Hiking,Shopping

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


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