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Beautiful Blue Skies!.......My Actifit Report Card: March 27 2023

Brilliant blue skies and tons of sunshine! That was today.

We were expecting a dump truck load of gravel this morning so sleeping in wasn’t really an option in case they were early. Once up and coffees made, we were waiting for the arrival. They were right on time. It was a single axle dump and was the perfect size for our set up. It did become apparent however that the driver wasn’t super versed in maneuverability. She was unsure, but I helped direct her as did @silvertop and we soon got her to the place we needed the load dumped. See @silvertop’s post for more on this.

As he began to shovel and move the load, I headed up to work on my container herb garden. I had previously planted in pots some oregano and lemon balm. They were doing well. Today’s plantings were for dwarf curry, basil, mint, and chamomile.

Soon it was time to go for a hike. Jan came with. We soon discovered that as long as you were working in the sun, it was fairly warm. However, a light breeze had sprung up and in the shade, you definitely needed a jacket as it was uncomfortably cool.

I found another Woolley Worm. That’s about the 4th on over the past week. Seems like the wrong time of year for them.

After the hike, we had a spot of lunch and a coffee. I then went back out to plant my little tomato plants. They’d suffered a little from the cold last night. I thought I’d had them protected, but apparently it was really cold! The both lost a leaf/branch but I think they’ll be okay.

They even already have little blossoms on them!

For now, the pot is in my garden cart and we will have to move them out daily and back in at night to the garage until the lows are a little warmer than they are now. Then, they will go into the little greenhouse for a while. This year as the summer begins, I may elect to put them outside the greenhouse. I’ve not totally decided yet.

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and enjoy your day wherever you are! Please continue to pray for 🇺🇦


All pictures taken by me. MojiPop created in MojiPop app.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,Gardening

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH