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My Actifit Report Card: May 22 2020

Hi everybody! Thanks for stopping by today!

It’s Friday and another work day with appointments. It was busy but it was a good day.

After work, it was a stop at the local grocer and then a quick trip to the post office. Then, I set out for home.

I fixed coffees and after consuming them, we set out for our hike.

It was cool and sunny-perfect hiking weather! On our way up, I kept my eyes peeled looking for snail babies, but couldn’t find one. I did find a poor earthworm wriggling on the road. It was kind of stranded and was probably going to just dry up and die there. Well, being how I am, I had to save it so I picked it up and put it in the tall grass. It’s just what I do. 😏

We kept watch for the mother deer and her newborn baby that we saw yesterday. We couldn’t spot them but did find cute little baby deer hoof prints.

Actifit-Lamb asked to stop so she could have a spot of tea. She enjoyed herself immensely! 😁

On our climb out of Bear Hollow, I finally found my snail baby to save!

I am soon ready for bed as I am having trouble keeping awake as I type! Keep on @actifit steppin’! Take care and be safe and healthy and have a wonderful evening!😴💕👣☕️🤗🐑🐌😊😎💪👍

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores,Moving Around Office

is a member of #ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH