My Actifit Report Card: June 5 2023

Where I was helping to serve food at the food vendor's stop.


Hello, welcome to my actifit activity report card for 5th June 2023 and I greet you specially. Good evening, great actifiter. I believed it was a tantalizing day out there for you today. I woke up at exactly 5:00 a.m, then I enjoyed my morning devotion as always, which I started at exactly 5:05 a.m. At 6:10pm, I logged into my ALX portal, as the ALX software engineering programme have been on break for a week now. I decided to start solving the tasks early since the clearance is really not given me enough chance to attend to other things. I was able to solve 3 tasks, it was a new project to me so I have to give it some time to play alone. After the 3 tasks that was done by, I when and took my bath.


At 9: 30am I took my breakfast and went to school clearance. I went to the HoD office for him to sign that I have submitted my project work, but he was not around; then I went the office of the Dean student affairs to commence my clearance there and he is also not around. So I decided to go into the Lab and continue my ALX tasks as I keep waiting for them. Before I could finish solving the tasks, it's already 5pm, I head home straight away. On my way home, I decided to eat from a good vendor I do eat from since I came for the clearance. On getting there, they were already crowded, so I started helping out, I joined in serve food to the customers available. After I finished helping them out, I head home direct to rest for the day. This is how I all my activities for today 5th June 2023


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House Chores, Moving Around Office, Walking

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