accompany my mother all day

Good morning active people who want to eat have to use a spoon.
I don't, when I eat the plate I turn it over and I mourn over the plate.
that's stupid hahahahahahaha

Let me introduce myself, my name is Ahmad Badrud Duja, usually called Badrud. This time I'm on holiday and it's time to rest to relax the joints, brain, muscles and thoughts that I do during work. I tried to sleep but I didn't always fall asleep so I didn't sleep even though I was very sleepy and unbearably tired. That's where my mother called me to take her shopping at the supermarket which was quite far from my house.

this is my biological mother, I really love my mother. he is good and he is also my place to tell what I want to tell. I am the child of 4 siblings and I am number 3 from my siblings. My siblings are all female and I myself am male. As the only male in my family, I really want to be successful and be able to please all my family and especially my parents.

My siblings are all married, only my sister and I are not married, I am 23 years old and still working to earn money to support my personal life. Meanwhile, my younger sister is 14 years old, she is currently at the Sidogiri Islamic boarding school seeking religious and formal knowledge. so that when you grow up, you can be a good person and be useful to other people.

back to the topic. I took my mother to the market and my mother asked me to drop her off at the gold buying and selling place. and I went to put my motorbike in the parking lot and at the same time I looked for a study table to get me excited again in this online world. When I looked for it, it turned out it wasn't there and in the end I bought the table I wanted at a well-known online shop.

My mother and I split up for the activity. When the item I was looking for wasn't there, I looked for the mother who we had an appointment with and told me to wait at one of the shops next to the big mosque in my city, namely Pasuruan. I waited quite a long time and finally I called her and it turned out that my mother didn't bring her cellphone. I immediately panicked and was confused when I looked for my mother. then what do you know? I found my mother who was choosing clothes casually and I thought about looking for my mother hahahahahaha.

After all the activities were finished and all the goods had been purchased and that was the time when I returned home to where I lived.


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