My Actifit RC: Dec 11th 22 - I Am Alive Challenge Naples's city sightseeing - IAAC #227

A dear greeting to all lovers of physical activities that populate the mythical community of Actifit.

The last Atlantic storm left us a sky stained by icy clouds veiled in high altitude while others, lower altitude, turn festive in the Sunday sky here and there.

Yesterday there were large accumulations of water and they fell, for the most part, in about an hour.

I got up a little late this morning because I wasn’t planning on visiting for Sunday lunch. Just the time to do the shopping and have a quick meal that, without getting lost in chatter, I was already on the bus to Naples.

These days the city hosts a considerable influx of tourists who, during the day, crowd the old town and the best time to walk is just after lunch.

Unfortunately I had not considered that San Gregorio Armeno is particularly congested and I found the entrance barred by the Municipal Police.

In fact, during the Christmas period, the legendary road of the nativity scene artisans is one-way and I was forced to go around to enter the other side.

Do an extra mile in these streets full of masterpieces of the historic architecture of the city never mind. These routes are suitable for those who do not always rush because, being very crowded, you walk slower than the man’s pace.

Really remarkable is the number of monuments under renovation in this period. I would think that someone has read my continuous and numerous complaints about the state of degradation of the artistic and cultural heritage of the city.

My walk ends, as often happens, by taking a coffee in the enchanting Piazza del Gesù Nuovo. Of course, I met Larry at the bar and I bought him coffee.

Today the temperatures are slightly down, 12 degrees Celsius, but because of the northern winds it feels much colder but this does not prevent me from celebrating my #iamalivechallenge number 227.

Slowly the lights go out on the city of Naples and Piazza Garibaldi becomes a destination for tourists moving in the city there are those who go to the historic center I, instead, keep home after another day #alive in Naples city sightseeing.

Finally I would like to thank all my friends from the tribe of Alive and all the new friends who happened between the lines of my stories for reading my thoughts and see you at the next actifit report.

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175 cm
96 kg
Body Fat

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