The David's Actifit Adventures: Passing the middle of the week

ENG Text

Hello Friends!

I would like to share with you my daily report. These are my Yesterday Daily activities.

In the morning I biked to the industrial zone. I packed and unpacked material, and digitaly printed some t-shirts. Lunch at home and returned there continuing the work. A customer noticed me about a problem in the last t-shirts the business printed. 🙄 After that, I came back home and trained myself with some simple exercises, had shower and dinner: a typical dish of the zones where I live in. Then I went to bed watching a video.

Goodnight and see you tomorrow friends!


I have to admit that a few times the sources change the counts, due to diagnosis or notification errors. In March, 2021, the new Government presented a review of the measures against the diffusion of the Sars-Cov2. They continued to divide our country in some color zones based on the gravity of the situation. Each zone has different measures and the situation is and will be monitored constantly for the next months. The diffusion trend remained stable in the last month. Before and during Easter time, our country was a red zone for the larger part, and Orange the other one. Now, at the end of April, many regions come again in a yellow zone situation and we see many reopenings, as usual with many limitations. Ending May, all the regions entered again in a yellow zone situation. Ending May and starting June, some regions entered in a white zone situation. The rate continued its decreasing and luckily we touched a daily new cases low rate range. The administrations of the vaccines continue...sometimes with a little problem. Below, the count of the last day, published by the Italian Ministry of Health.

11 June, 2021

New Cases: 1901

Increasing in the Swabs carried out number: 217610

Total cases now: 4241760

The deaths: 126924 (69 more than the day before)

ITA Text

Ciao Amici!

Mi piacerebbe condividere con voi il mio report giornaliero. Queste sono le mie attività per la giornata di ieri.

In mattinata sono andato nella zona industriale. Ho imballato e disimballato del materiale, e ho stampato in digitale alcune t-shirt. Pranzo a casa, poi sono tornato là per continuare il lavoro. Un cliente mi ha informato di un problema nelle ultime t-shirt che abbiamo stampato. 🙄 Dopo sono tornato a casa, ho fatto qualche semplice esercizio, una doccia e ho cenato: un piatto tipico delle nostre zone. Poi sono andato a nanna guardando un video.

Buonanotte e ci vediamo domani amici!

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Cycling, Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking, Yard Work

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