A really bad weather Sunday and a SBI riddle inside

Rain all over the day

Hey dear actifitters and readers, we had the worst day this summer yesterday. It was raining almost the whole day. At least there is some good prediction for the week. β˜€

It was one of those days I had to go for a walk to reach over 5000 steps. Normally I do many activities and don't need to do an Actifit walk.

I used some time window without heavy rain to walk through the neighborhood and played ingress while doing this.

I have a riddle for you in this post. Have a look at this picture and guess the fruit or vegetable I took a picture from.

If you're right and following my account you have the chance to win 1 HSBI (hivesbi.com).
Write your answer in the comments. I'll pick the winner randomly with a random generator.

At least we got rewarded with another beautiful rainbow in the evening and some late sunbeams.

You see the dark cloudy sky behind the rainbow? This was how it looked like almost the whole day.
Anyway, have fun with the riddle and a wonderful sunny summer day.

Thanks for reading and if you want Follow me

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 <br/> _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android](https://bit.ly/actifit-app) | [iOS](https://bit.ly/actifit-ios)). Check out the original version [here on actifit.io](https://actifit.io/@dailyspam/actifit-dailyspam-20230807t054735775z)_ <br/> <br><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXv9QWiAYiLCSr3sKxVzUJVrgin3ZZWM2CExEo3fd5GUS/sep3.png"><br><table>    <tr>        <img src="https://actifit.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ACTIVITYDATE.png"> </tr>   <tr>        <div class="text-center"><b>06/08/2023</b></div>    </tr></table><table>    <tr>        <img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmRgAoqi4vUVymaro8hXdRraNX6LHkXhMRBZxEo5vVWXDN/ACTIVITYCOUNT.png"> </tr>   <tr>        <div class="text-center"><b>5462</b></div>  </tr></table><table>    <tr>        <img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZ6ZT8VaEpaDzB16qZzK8omffbWUpEpe4BkJkMXmN3xrF/ACTIVITYTYPE.png">  </tr>   <tr>        <div class="text-center"><pre><b>Daily Activity, Home Improvement, Walking</b></div></pre></div>    </tr></table><div class="text-center"><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmNp6YwAm2qwquALZw8PdcovDorwaBSFuxQ38TrYziGT6b/A-20.png"><a href="https://bit.ly/actifit-app"><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmQqfpSmcQtfrHAtzfBtVccXwUL9vKNgZJ2j93m8WNjizw/l5.png"></a><a href="https://bit.ly/actifit-ios"><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmbWy8KzKT1UvCvznUTaFPw6wBUcyLtBT5XL9wdbB7Hfmn/l6.png"></a></div>
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