Mid section of Seven Mile Beach NP - potato orchids new : September 18 2024

Slow start after a better night. My wife headed out early for coffee with a friend. Spent the morning doing accounts stuff and publishing the weekly investing post

Headed out in the bike after lunch to walk a few tracks in Seven Mile Beach NP. Took a side track that goes away from the ocean side - sure to find pink fingers orchids. Paper daisies to start like last visit

Pink fingers are a challenge for ID - pink form of caladenia catenata

Counted 32 on the way back to the road - 400 metres only. A few in frame here

Next variation - a few carmine bars on the back sepal - a hybrid with carnea

And the proper carmine banded version - caladenia carnea

Bike photo marks the change of track - back along the road for a bit and then down the beach access road

Back to ID challenge. No carmine bands - deeper colour and some colour on the labellum - maybe caladenia hilmanii

Struggling to get focus on the calli

Back to the carmine bands

Flower unfolding - narrow body makes focus hard work. Does show the hairs on the flower spike

Hardenbergia pea flower

A few dyanella open

Pea flower with great framing

Excited to find this orchid - not seen in Seven Mile Beach NP to date. Did find them on my first ever orchid walk. They stand out - a brown shape on the top of a leafless spike - potato orchid

Native violet - a few still around

Walked down to the beach - looking north to Gerroa

Looking south to Crookhaven Heads

Saw this spike - almost walked right past. Always good to find a 2nd instance of an orchid

Close up photos were poor - kept this one as it has a pollinator - potato orchid #2

There were two plants - this one fully open - gastrodia sesamoides

Challenging photo work as the opening to the column is very narrow

Happy with that one.

Lomandra are coming out all over

Back to the caladenia ID challenge - shaped like catenata. No carmine bands but a touch of red. Leaning to hilmanii but no yellow calli

Acianthus orchid seeded. Photo shows what orchids do after pollination - the spikes grows taller and pulls the leaf off the ground. That gives more height when the seed pods pop

Walked short way down the last side track till I found an orchid - probably caladena catenata - no bands but pink

Found this bike hidden in the bush - stolen and dumped or just dumped? Not in the best shape - guessing dumped.

Stopped on the way back to check a greenhood site. They are finished

Last remnants of the last flower - pterostylis oblonga or erecta

These pink fingers were close by - deep pink

Close up

Good to get a longer ride in and lots of steps

Spent an hour on my bottom pulling weeds in the front lawn

Dinner: Veal cutlets on BBQ with fried potato and broccolini

Trade action: Added to uranium - PUR.V, UROY. Adjusted XLK. Missed the hop in SASK.V
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Cycling, Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking

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