Greenhood bonanza at Beach Rd end of Seven Mile Beach : August 21 2024

Another late night and a slow start. Got some focus to get the weekly investing post finished and published. The week has been disrupted a lot - time to focus

Got out on the bike after lunch to ride up to Beach Road end of Seven Mile Beach NP. Stopped on the way to explore a side track not in the park. First paper daisy of the season not far from bike park

Found a cluster of orchids in a slice not walked before - greenhoods of some sort

End of the days for the nodding greenhood but a new orchid is a new find

Hardenbergia pea flower

Twining glycine rounds off a nice side trip

Walked the north side of the sand track first - found the maroonhoods earlier than seen before. Looks like pterostylis erecta - to be checked

Front on

There were a few other greenhoods here too. Photos did not come out right. Cyclist came past - tells me the diamond python hangs out under the log behind. Made me a bit edgy. Front on photo would indicate this is rainforest greenhood - pterostylis hildae. Did take photos of the labellum through the hole behind - labellum is twisted - maybe curta

Always a native violet

Found another colony of maroonhoods - the helmet is a bit shorter - maybe pterostlyis oblonga

A view from behind

Front on

Did find a fully flowering pterostylis nutans

Blunt-tipped greenhood in a known patch

This is a special slice of winter walking - more nodding greenhoods. I never tire of taking photos

More blunt-tipped greenhoods further along

Cluster of three

A bit of fun with this photo - focus on orchid took a little work as camera wanted to see the lichen

Did pop across to south side to check on a few spots

This one is the test - the labellum has the twist but the stripe is red

This labellum is straight and the stripe is red - rainforest greenhood. The few plants are together - suggests some hybrid action happening

Side on photo - going to stuck with pterostylis hildae

Did find a few maroonhoods - the elongated helmet of this one

Front on view

Nodding greenhood - pterostylis nutans

Have learned to stop and look at each flower to look for differences - spider on this one. Took some time to get a decent photo

Next one was harder work. Each time I got close the spider moved around behind the spike. Of note it has caught a pollinator insect.

Was a good ride - body went better than the day before. Did help the wind was less and tailwind for the ride back

Message from my wife when I got home. Could I walk her friend's dog - dog walker has a sore leg. Got the extra steps doing that. Dog loved the change of routine. Dropped the dog off and chose to have a quiet evening at home - did use the quiet to finish bonus page I am working on for a product launch

Check it out here

Investing post for last week

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Cycling, Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking

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