Walking Through Weather: A 19 km Journey of Sunshine and Storms

Today was a tale of two climates wrapped into one epic walking journey. Clocking in at 19 kilometers and a whopping 23,000 steps, my day began under a hopeful blue sky. As the morning unfolded, so did the beauty of the landscape around me. The pathway beside the canal, bordered by towering trees and reflective waters, offered not just a route, but a moving painting worthy of admiration.

As I ventured further, so did the clouds above, turning from wispy streaks to a gathering storm. Halfway through, the heavens opened up, transforming my sunny stroll into a drenched dash. But as any seasoned walker knows, there's something invigorating about being at the mercy of Mother Nature's mood swings.

Each step splashed a beat, and each breath felt like a fresh gulp of the raw, stormy air. The rain wasn't just a shower; it was a baptism into a new level of endurance, washing away any traces of reluctance. By the time I returned home, soaked but satisfied, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of accomplishment. The day's fluctuating weather mirrored my own persistence and adaptability—elements that are becoming core to my fitness narrative.

Sure, I was a little wetter than planned, but as I hung my dripping gear to dry, I was already plotting the next day's journey. After all, what's a bit of rain to someone who's just walked nearly a marathon? Bring it on, weather. I'm ready for you. #WalkOn #WeatherOrNot #StepByStep

Shot with iPhone 14 Pro Max, edit with Adobe LR using my own presets (you can get them too soon!).
All photos are taken by me. If you want to know more, head to beheydt.be/en/photography or shor.by/BjB for more info.

Check out https://shor.by/BBphoto to see all the gear I’m using

Feel free to follow me on Instagram too! instagram.com/bjornbeheydt

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io


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