29,000 Steps: From Overcast Trails to Steel Marvels

In the cool embrace of morning, with the sky a watercolor wash of greys, my day began. A 4km stride alongside a sleepy canal, its waters mirroring the brooding heavens above. The trees stood as silent sentinels, their branches barely budding, whispering the last secrets of winter.

But it was the afternoon's ambitious trek, a 20km sojourn, that unfurled the full narrative of the day. As the sun jousted with stubborn clouds, nature laid out a mosaic of greens and blues. With each step, I was a willing captive to the whims of an ever-changing sky and the ballet of light upon the earth.

Amidst the wilderness, the unexpected geometry of modernity: Belgium’s talked-about steel house. A bold statement of design, it stood juxtaposed against the organic strokes of the surrounding landscape. This metallic interlude in my rustic rhapsody was a tangible chill of awe, much like the sporadic gusts of wind that accompanied my journey.

As dusk began to drape itself across the sky, my expedition concluded, not with weariness, but with a gallery of captured moments and a quiet, satisfied vitality. Today, my walk wasn't just about distance—it was about discovery, the kind that can only be found when you let your feet wander and your heart follow.

#BelgiumDiaries #LongWalks #SteelHouseDiscovery #NatureAndDesign

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