My Actifit Report Card: May 21 2024

Hi to all my actifiters friends around the worlds, how are you doing today? i am hoping that you are all healthy and fine. Today i want to share my activity.
Same as usual i am taking my son to school and after that i am deliver stuff into delivery service. Yeah i sold some of stuff and thats good i got my cashflow moving a little bit at least. And after that i am just calling my friend and just searching new information. Also i am monitoring my other stuff that delivered by my friends. Yeah basically it is just work until lunch time. After i pick up my son from school. Then lunch time. After lunch, i still need work a little bit. Packaging and deliver some stuff. And then in the evening i am doing routine walking around my neighboorhood. The weather is sunny today. So it feels refreshed doing walk around my home.

By the way if you are curious what i am selling right now. It is tissue. The fast moving item i guess. Even though the profit is just little but at least my cashflow is moving.

After have sweat by walking then i am continue workout and doing gym in my house. Home gym with just dumbless. I think i have a better proggress here. Since my blood pressure is back on normal after i check many times per day. And i feel my muscles growing a little bit. And my stamina added day by day

I know that it still far away from my target goal that is lean body. But, i think with consistency i can going there. Maybe if i still doing home gym workout, and adding little by little of the weight, in just one year my body is transformed. I hope. Can't wait to see how my body will be. And maybe after my cashflow is going back to normal and my financial going to be better i will starting buying chicken and eating more chicken to add some protein to my muscles.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gym, House Chores, Photowalking, Walking
180 cm
82 kg
Body Fat

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